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Gustavo Macedo e João Accioly
12 de nov. de 20193 min de leitura
Training, Development and Education
Introduction In a market that’s always looking for the best, companies that tend to stand out from the competition are facing a hard...
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Davi Cunha Farias e Erisson de Carvalho Trindade
6 de nov. de 20193 min de leitura
Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) includes activities which increases knowledge, experience and understanding and thereby...
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Luciana Cunha Georgia Nasr Vinicius Vasconcelos
5 de jun. de 20185 min de leitura
Trainning and Development
Trainning and Development In this section we will define training and its purpose as well as the basic training process. Included within...
123 visualizações0 comentário
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