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Arthur Mesquita Camargo
9 de dez. de 20195 min de leitura
Future of Human Resources
As we know, the world has already changed a lot and is still in constantly transformation and this scenario is called “VUCA environment”,...
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Arthur Mesquita Camargo
9 de dez. de 20193 min de leitura
"The imparting or exchange of information or news." "Means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers."...
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Lara Lima e Gabriel Soares da Cruz
14 de nov. de 20193 min de leitura
Pay Secrecy
What are the Benefits of pay secrecy: For many years, it was typical at organizations have a policy that prohibits employees talk about...
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Arthur Mesquita Camargo
12 de nov. de 20193 min de leitura
Performance management
To start the topic of performance management, we must first define its mains studied concepts. According to readings on the particular...
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Gustavo Macedo e João Accioly
12 de nov. de 20193 min de leitura
Training, Development and Education
Introduction In a market that’s always looking for the best, companies that tend to stand out from the competition are facing a hard...
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Davi Cunha Farias e Erisson de Carvalho Trindade
6 de nov. de 20193 min de leitura
Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) includes activities which increases knowledge, experience and understanding and thereby...
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João Vitor Melo
29 de out. de 20194 min de leitura
Professional Recruitment Practices
Throughout this succinct article we will discuss the practices of professional recruitment, addressing its history, processes, practices...
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Vítor Nogueira Silva Pestana e Aymara Figueiredo
29 de out. de 20194 min de leitura
Strategic Planning and Needs Forecasting
We live in a very competitive reality, the capitalist environment is one in which companies are always forced to fight to stay on top or...
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Gustavo Brandizzi Novaes, Matheus Lopes Zedes.
19 de jun. de 20192 min de leitura
Aesthetic Components of Management Ethics
Ethical theory does not have a consolidated place in business decision making. For example, the difficulty encountered by authors of...
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